Donation Box


MiniPovești.ro transformă cititul într-o aventură captivantă pentru copii, oferind săptămânal povești scurte și interactive în format text și audio

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Copacul Dorintelor Amintiri din copilarie

Copacul Dorintelor

All the revenue generated from ticket sales in cinema (more than 20.000 tickets) and from the sale of the distribution rights to Netflix, were directed to HOSPICE Casa Speranţei.

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Tech Room

Vodafone – Tech Room

With the Tech Room, children can escape for a while in a reality where they can climb on Everest, they can land on the Moon with Neil Armstrong, they can fly in a city as an eagle or they can swim with the dolphins.

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kindtap donation device


The donation box is an innovative alternative to support important charities. Basically, it is an out of the box device that allows customers to donate contactless using their cards or phones.

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Centrul Filia - Violenta de Gen

Centrul Filia – VDG

Urmărește poveștile a trei femei, relatate prin ochii tuturor celor implicați: victime și agresori, prieteni, colegi, șefi, polițiști, colegi, bunici, martori.

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Dorna – Window of Hope

An interactive Window of Hope, launched by Dorna as part of “Care for children” campaign. In one of Bucharest’s hospitals, the window that separates mothers from the IC unit where premature babies are became Window of Hope. The window shows, in real time, encouraging messages for the mothers, that can be send by people from all over Romania.

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